About Jotron

“We steadily work on developing new markets for our core business and simultaneously develop new products that satisfy new requirements and specifications. Our vision is as clear as it is ambitious: To be a world leader. ”
– Merete Berdal, Managing Director, Jotron.

About Jotron – Performance for Life

With 400 employees globally, Jotron has offices in Norway, Lithuania, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. Products are also sold and serviced through international partners.

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Building the company “stone by stone” and creating lasting value since 1967

The company has been developed “stone by stone”, thereby creating lasting product value for the industry and ultimately all customers for more than 55 years. Jotron was incorporated in 1967 and only three years later produced the world’s first Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), which was released in 1970. The company has evolved from a small company located only in Vestfold, Norway to having offices on three continents of the globe.

The products

The product portfolio is strong and has developed and matured over the years. Manufacturing has of course increased greatly following growth. New markets have been researched and captured. In Jotron tradition, the search continues for the development of leading products using the most advanced technologies. Delivering critical communication products to some of the harshest environments means Jotron strives to enhance safety communication by offering state-of-the-art products and solutions. Today, Jotron is regarded as a world leading supplier of high performance safety equipment. Jotron communication technology is used all over the world and more recently over an increasing number of markets.

Meeting the market requirements

Research and development are fundamental elements to achieving successful products and solutions that meet the demands of an international market. Jotron has dedicated, experienced and highly qualified teams of engineers and product developers. All departments work closely with each other in an effort to meet market demands. Jotron focuses on delivering not only the best quality products and solutions, but also offering the best quality customer support, which is key in maintaining good customer and partner relationships. Jotron aims for the best customer satisfaction possible from a purchase to training.

Jotron is committed to the principles of anti-corruption and good ethics while conducting business and follows a standard guideline. The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that the actions of both the company and its employees comply within the anti-corruption and ethical standards with respect to all Jotron business related matters.

For more information regarding our guideline, please contact us.

Strategic focus:

  • Apply high ethical standards to all we do
  • Positive social impact on the local society
  • Minimize the impact we make on the environment by
    • Modern building energized by solar panels and low energy consumption
    • High-quality, long-lasting products
    • Minimize use of natural resources and dangerous materials in all our business

Our commitment to sustainability

Jotron is committed to, and actively engaged in protecting information

Jotron is certified in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2023 standard for information security management systems.

  • Securing the business-critical informational assets is the very foundation for all Jotron’s security activities
  • Jotron is committed to continually improvement of the processes, policies and procedures and enhancing the competence of the employees
  • Jotron aspires to have a well-managed and robust information and cyber security system. A security system that is compliant with information security requirements, legal obligations and customer requirements and that is founded on well documented assessments of current and future threats and risks

Jotron works purposefully to promote equality and non-discrimination:

To ensure that Jotron is operating in an ethical and responsible manner, we are committed to:

  • Respect fundamental human and labour rights in all aspects of our operations. This includes avoiding discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, age, or other discriminating factors. We also actively work against forced labour, child labour, and other forms of human rights violations.
  • Ensure safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees. This implies compliance with current labour laws and standards, including fair wages, decent working times, freedom of association and protection against harassment.
  • Promote responsible value chains and encourage our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to human and labour rights.
  • Regularly conduct human rights due diligence, and if we identify any adverse impacts, we take the necessary actions to cease, prevent or mitigate that impact. See our Transparency Act Statement for more information.

For questions about our procedures for promoting fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, please send your request to purchase@jotron.com.


You can find the link to the relevant documents here: